Clinical cases of dental esthetics
Solving clinical cases of dental esthetics is a common practice in our Dental Clinic specialized in Pediatric Dentistry in Barcelona. Many families come to us when one of their children suffers some kind of accident.
What is esthetic dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry or cosmetic dentistry is a specialty of dentistry that includes a series of treatments aimed at each specific esthetic problem. Therefore, its objective within Pediatric Dentistry is to solve problems related to oral health and harmony of the mouth as a whole in children, teenagers and young adults.
Sometimes, very deep dental caries lesions, malocclusions, alterations in the shape of some teeth or trauma in the orofacial region may require reconstructions. Undoubtedly, fractures in the anterior teeth are especially frequent in children and young people. Therefore, the anterior teeth, also known as incisors or pallets, in cases of fracture create the need to treat and reconstruct the permanent incisors.
What to do when your child’s front tooth breaks?
This situation should be solved by a trained and qualified professional. This is the case of the pediatric dentist, who is responsible for the care of children, teenagers and young adults. They are qualified to deal with children’s cases that require esthetic treatment.
Before and after clinical cases of dental esthetics in Pediatric Dentistry
Below, we show the before and after photographs corresponding to two clinical cases of dental esthetics solved in our dental office. Undoubtedly, the use of conservative techniques and minimally invasive dentistry have allowed us to maintain the hard tissues present and achieve the desired esthetics.
In this way, we have restored the initial function, shape and color of the tooth with excellent results. The two clinical cases presented deal with fractures of the incisors or palettes in child patients caused by dental trauma.