Dr Boj Orthodoncists | Pediatric Dentistry Barcelona

Orthodontics for kids in Bcn

Children and teenagers’ orthodontics with specialized English speaking orthodoncists

Pediatric dentistry | Juvenile dentistry | Dental clinic BCN | Dr BOJ

Dentists for kids and teenagers perform minimal invasive dentistry

Odontopediatría infantil y juvenil

More than 30 years of experience

libros publicados en salud dental infantil y juvenil

Books published: more than 10

docente en odontopediatría dental infantil y juvenil

Teacher: more than 30 years

Our services as paediatric dentists

Dental clinic for kids BOJ is specialized in child and juvenile dental health. We are doctors recognized for our wide experience in paediatric dentistry, providing state of the art dental services for babies, kids and teenagers, areas which widely differ from the rest of dentistry.
Our passion is to deal with babies, children and teenagers to help them achieve appropriate dental habits to become adults with a healthy oral cavity. Thanks to Dr. BOJ´s background specialized in oral laser surgery and his many years of experience as paediatric dentistry professor, our dental clinic solves oral or dental problems any member of the young population in the Barcelona metropolitan area and surroundings may have.
Our children and juvenile dental clinic, well located in the city of Barcelona, is equipped with the latest technology developments and covers all oral health aspects, such as: fluoride, sealants, caries, dental esthetics, pulpal treatments, traumatic dental events, surgery, habits, removable orthodontics, braces and invisible orthodontics… We are waiting for you!

We are Barcelona dentists specialized in treating babies, children and teenagers.
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To keep a proper oral health, preventive monitoring is vital for early diagnosis of problems on time. The timetable of these controls is specific to each individual case.

Oral care in babies, children and young people is important for their proper development.
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The use of fluoride by children should be supervised. The paediatric dentist will establish the concentrations and the way to use fluoride at different ages. Fluoride increases enamel resistance, therefore preventing tooth decay.

Sealants act “filling” fissures and cracks present on the biting surface of teeth. As the surface is smooth and uniform, food is not trapped avoiding the risk of tooth decay.  Application is fast and easy as it can be performed in a single visit and does not require any local anesthesia.

Treatment of teeth with cavities in children and adolescents. We are a dental clinic specialized in children and teens.
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At Clínica BOJ we treat cases of paediatric & juvenile dental hypoplasia and hypomineralization.
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At Clínica BOJ we perform pulpotomies and pulpectomies in children.
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At Clínica BOJ we treat cases of dental aesthetics in children and teenagers.
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If tooth decay is not avoided through preventive monitoring, then teeth are restored with esthetic materials.
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Orthodontic treatments for children and adolescents. Methods to correct jaw, invisible brackets, lingual…
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Find professionals specialized in invisible orthodontics, transparent teeth correction braces…
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Find professionals specialized in braces and teeth correction devices.
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At Clínica BOJ we are specialized in the treatment of TMJ dysfunction for children and teenagers.
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At Clínica BOJ we are specialized in treating teeth with bruxism for children and young people.
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At Clínica BOJ we are specialized in simple and complicated cases of dental and oral surgery in children and teenagers.
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Laser has many possible uses in paediatric dentistry. The use of laser technology diminishes pain and facilitates the healing of wounds. It is used for the surgical treatment of lingual (tongue) and maxillary (lips) frenums, papilomas, eruption cysts, operculectomies, pyogenic granulomas, tooth cysts, exposure of impacted teeth, etc

One of the main indications of sedation in paediatric dentistry is anxiety and fear reduction when children fear invasive therapeutic procedures.

General  anesthesia is useful to perform treatments with a large amount of dental treatment needed, and/or when the cooperation of a patient is impossible due to fear.

Some groups of patients require different approaches and techniques due to their specific conditions.

odontopediatria infantil i juvenil

Dentistry for Babies

dentista infantil i juvenil

Paediatric Dentistry

salud dental infantil i juvenil

Early Orthodontics

odontopediatría infantil i juvenil


Dr. Boj, Especialista en Odontopediatria

Dr. Juan R. Boj, Ph.D.

Dr. BOJ, Odontopediatra.

Physician, Specialist in Stomatology, PhD in Medicine and Surgery. University of Barcelona.

Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry. School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester (NY, USA).

Head of the department of Paediatric Dentistry, Department of Medicine and Health Science, University of Barcelona.

Director of the Master in Paediatric Dentistry, Department of Medicine and Health Science, University of Barcelona.

Published books of the paediatric dentist Dr. BOJ

Atlas De Odontopediatría

Odontopediatría – La Evolución del niño al adulto joven

Odontopediatría Clinica

Odontopediatría: Dudas y Aclaraciones

Odonto Pediatría

Formación preclínica en Odontopediatría

Formación clínica en Odontopediatría

Guía de conducta de pacientes y padres en Odontopediatría

El dentista infantil enseña odontopediatría

Casos clínicos en odontopediatría

Meet our professional dentists, doctors specialized in paediatric dental services

Paediatric Dentistry Team

Kid's and teenager's orthodontic team

Paediatric Dentistry Articles

dents incisives

Incisor teeth: what they are and treatment

In our dental clinic we treat many cases of problems with incisor teeth in children and young adults. After the treatment a perfect smile is recovered. See a recent case where the chipped incisor of a child was aesthetically restored.

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